Ya saben, el socialismo de líderes como Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales o Fidel Castro, se erige en defensor de los pobres, subyugados por el régimen capitalista y la influencia yankee. Este socialismo y sus proponentes son además feroces críticos de la desigualdad.
Esto es lo que se dice, pero lo que se practica es totalmente lo contrario. Lean este artículo para comprobarlo a raíz del tratamiento de cáncer que ha sufrido el revolucionario Chávez. Pego los fragmentos más relevantes:
For nearly a month he received the kind of world-class therapy that only members of the Cuban Communist Party, the military, and tourists who pay with hard currency can get in Cuba.
Vaya, parece entonces que el sistema sanitario cubano (admirado por algunos como uno de los mejores del mundo; uno de los puntos sobre el que los socialistas se agarran para defender el régimen en Cuba) funciona solo para las élites políticas y turistas. Qué sistema más igualitarista, oye. ¡Esto sí es una sanidad universal y social!
Pero veamos la diferencia de trato los venezolanos para el tratamiento de cáncer, dependiendo si son Chávez o amigos de Chávez, o si son “gente normal”.
In Venezuela, some cancer patients are more equal than others. Alejandro Pena Esclusa, a former journalist and politician falsely accused of terrorism, is suffering from colon cancer and still awaiting trial in one of Venezuela’s most dangerous prisons.
Pena Esclusa’s case required international attention before the government allowed him proper medical treatment. His plight was further highlighted this month when Paraguay’s parliament voted unanimously to demand his release.
The difference in the treatment of these three Venezuelans – the two prisoners and their jailer – illustrates that under 21st century socialism the new class of rulers have access to the best healthcare, food, and state-controlled profit-making ventures, while the general population suffers.
While Chavez flies his daughters, ex-wife, mother and siblings on government jets to Havana to accompany him as he receives the best care money can buy in a Cuban hospital, paid for by the Venezuelan people, his political prisoners are taken to Venezuela’s crumbling public medical facilities to receive perfunctory medical care – and then only after an international outcry.
Menuda farsa la del socialismo latinoamericano.