Otra noticia más para añadir a las Buenas noticias para el mundillo austriaco.
El Wall Street Journal ha publicado un artículo donde se hace un perfil de Peter Boettke, profesor en la George Mason University, y maestro de una generación de jóvenes profesores (Peter Leeson, Ben Powell, Chris Coyne, Ed Stringham, etc…) que están tratando de difundir y trabajar desde el mundo académico las enseñanzas de la Escuela Austriaca. Por eso le consideran en el artículo como el líder del Austrian Revival.
the 50-year-old professor of economics at George Mason University in Virginia is emerging as the intellectual standard-bearer for the Austrian school of economics that opposes government intervention in markets and decries federal spending to prop up demand during times of crisis. Mr. Boettke, whose latest research explores people’s ability to self-regulate, also is minting a new generation of disciples who are spreading the Austrian approach throughout academia, where it had long been left for dead.
Mr. Boettke “has done more for Austrian economics, I’d say, than any individual in the last decade,” says Bruce Caldwell, an editor of Mr. Hayek’s collected works.
The resurgence of Austrian economics does have its hazards, Mr. Boettke says. The antigovernment fervor on cable-television shows and the Internet may have popularized its theories, but it also “reinforces the idea to critics that these are crackpot ideas,” he said. He has tried to distance himself from conspiracy theorists and even dropped “Austrian” from the name of his blog. But he hasn’t yet thought of a better term.
Párrafo este último controvertido, que pone de manifiesto algunas divisiones dentro del círculo austriaco (lo que en alguna ocasión ha presentado extremos bastante desagradables). No hay que ser un erudito para darse cuenta que Boettke aquí se refiere a personas como Ron Paul, u otros del Mises Institute. Interesante nota sobre esta cuestión aquí.